About us
Provide knowledge, advice & legal services that promote a positive impact in society through economic, social, cultural, scientific and technological development.
To be a leading law firm in corporate competences, technology transfer and legal tech with a global service model, efficiency, quality, specialty and customer service.
Our statement
Professional Responsibility
We understand that our clients’ matters require strict confidentiality as well as delivering professional services with competence, loyalty and due care.

Whenever you reach us, even if our services are not retained, your matters will be kept confidential. Upon retaining our services you will be explained how your documents and information will be treated.

All our attorneys have a thorough understanding and experience in business-legal matters. An experienced professional in the area of the law that applies to your case will be assisting you based on your needs and the level of sophistication that your case may require.

Our duty to you as our client is to put your interests prior to our interests. In the event that we find that there is a conflict of interest that may affect our relationship you will be explained about it and provided with alternative ways to handle your case.

Our standard of care is well above that which is required for attorneys in our field. What sets us apart is having optimum communication with our clients. Because we understand that Mexican legal terminology may be difficult to understand, more so when compared to a common law system, we will explain to you the issues of your matter in a lay fashion so that you understand all of the items that you need to look into. We will also constantly keep you informed about the progress of your matter, and we will do our best efforts to reply to a telephone call or emails in the same business day.
Who we are?
Our Team

Mauricio Monroy Jr.

Omar Jacobo Monroy

Vanessa Castañeda

Francisco Maximiliano Jimenez Pacheco
Our Manifest
We are CURIOUS, AUTHENTIC, HONEST, RESPECTFUL and COURTEOUS regardless of race, nationality, ideology
or sexual preference.
We aren’t seeking a STATUS, and we won’t judge someone because of it. We see WEALTH as a consequence, not as an end.
The only influence we generate is through our work; we think that true RECOGNITION is earned with actions, with trajectory, with time and with the evidence of what has been done.
We believe that CREATIVITY, KNOWLEDGE, FRIENDSHIP, COLLABORATION and DETERMINATION are essential tools to contribute to the development of our towns, cities, regions and nations.
It is necessary to study history to understand our origin; we must remember all atrocities committed by our ancestors so we can avoid making them in the future.
We believe that EDUCATION is the most powerful weapon, but to educate, its necessary to be in BALANCE, to be IMPARTIAL in the message, and to teach without a personal agendas or teaching or political interests.
We believe in TEACHING, because the one who teaches, learns twice and transcends through people.
We manage KNOWLEDGE and are constantly LEARNING, generating research and continuing education activities.
We believe that COMMUNITIES are fundamental to gather individual interests; and through these, you can achieve a representation at different levels.
We believe that its necessary to protect, respect and use the planetary resources responsibly, its time to care of them, so that they remain and subsist in time; only then, they will be enjoyed by our children, their families and the next generations.
We believe that it is essential to care for living things and inert matter with which we coexist and its necessary to care for them.
We consider ourselves CITIZENS of the world. The only border is marked by the frontier that science and technology hasn’t reached.
We are aware JUSTICE is a platonic idea, but, we think that, with INNOVATION and the the good use of technological resources, more individuals will have access to it.
We LOVE what we do and are loyal to our ideals; there is CONVICTION in the things we do, the commitments we take and the time we give.
Good roots bring good foundations and good results
Lets work for a planetary BALANCE.